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Friday, August 12, 2016

Change your brain to lose weight

                     Rosa Smith-Montanaro, Rochester1:53 p.m. EDT August 11, 2016

Your brain is an amazing computer that is guiding you…consciously and subconsciously. You don’t have to think about so many vital functions that keep you alive such as breathing. Autopilot is a good thing when it comes to running the body and all of it’s intraquate needs. Autopilot is an subconscious activity. The brain takes care of many things for us and we are not even aware of it. Habits are on autopilot as well. Some are healthy, like brushing your teeth and others not so much. 
There is also a conscious mind that is paying attend and making decisions that are in our best interest. Or is it really what is best? I would suggest that it’s filtering based on how it has been programmed. The mind is in fact simply following a plan. This is based on our values, beliefs and expectations. What is interesting about this is that we rarely select our program. It is given to us via suggestions, comments, media, culture, family, friends, media, etc, etc, etc. Basically we don’t realize we have adapted a set of beliefs and values that we didn’t even agree too.

An example of this process is if you have a belief that people your age can’t lose weight. Your brain will filter evidence around you to support your truth. It wants to prove you right and please you. The subconscious mind doesn’t judge beliefs. If the best eating plan for your body showed up, you wouldn’t even notice it because your filter isn’t looking for it.
Here is the cool part: you get to change the program anytime you’d like. You first become aware of the filter that is determining what is going to become autopilot. This takes time and insight. In essence you will have to recreate a new empowering belief until it becomes natural to you.
Start to imagine the life you want. Ask yourself what has to be true for you to believe in order to make this your new belief. Step into this and let your mind play there, even if only for a few moments. It is a very powerful experience to have. Visualization, affirmations and hypnosis will allow you to move through the process faster. Create an image board with pictures and phrases that remind you of your goals.